Our Practice is very family orientated
Dr Navsa been in Practice for 43years with a Masters in Family Medicine and is a certified Arfeen Khan life coach.
Dr DM Navsa - Medical Practice & Life Coach
Practice History
Dr Navsa has been in Practice for 43years. The practice was established in 1994.
Dr Navsa
Dr Navsa has completed a Masters in Family Medicine. Our Practice is very family orientated. It is Popi compliant with Covid-19 protocols in place.

Dr Navsa is a certified Arfeen Khan life coach
A Mastermind group ( max of 8 people in my group) offers a combination of brainstorming, education, support and peer accountability.

Find purpose in your life
Understand Who you are…what motivates and drives your behaviour.

More deeply connected
A better sense of who you are beyond the roles and identities you assume in this life

Spiritually, Energetically
Greater clarity and understanding of this existence and your experiences.
Medical Practice
Our Services Overview

Diabetes Care
Blood pressure
Ecg -resting

Wart removal, Wound care Women's health (Papsmears, councelling contraception)

Consultation fee R380
Excluding tests
Medication( non -dispensing)