Life Coaching

Dr Navsa is a certified Arfeen Khan life coach, accredited by the International Federation of coaches (ICF). She offers one on one and group coaching to people who feel stuck in any area/areas of life such as Relationships, Career, Health, Finances, Personal growth etc or just seeking to improve their lives. The course which spans over 10 weeks is offered via Zoom call and will help you:

  • Find purpose in your life
  • Understand Who you are…what motivates and drives your behaviour
  • Understand how your life is driven by your values and programming
  • Raise your self-  esteem and become more confident
  • Get better at making decisions and achieving your outcomes
  • She is also the founder and facilitator of a Mastermind  entitled: Unchained: Living your greatness through the Natural Laws of the Universe

A Mastermind group ( max of 8 people in my group) offers a combination of brainstorming, education, support and peer accountability.  The idea is to work together to achieve success. It requires commitment, confidentiality and a willingness to give and receive, share challenges and success stories. This mastermind offers the following through an understanding of and living in alignment with the Natural Laws of the Universe:

  • A more deeply connected, fulfilling and meaningful life
  • A better sense of who you are beyond the roles and identities you assume in this life
  • The ability to connect spiritually and energetically to yourself, others and the world around you.
  • Greater clarity and understanding of this existence and your experiences.
  • Understand Why you are here ( in this existence ) and what to do about it.

If you have a need for any of the above , then this Mastermind is for you. Why not start off with a Free Personality Assessment.

Please contact Dr Navsa directly for further details on: 021 696 3971 or


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